
Lt. Col. Charles B. Michaud

Mike Michaud
Hi Res

~ Pilot Training ~
Mitch is second from left.

Mike Michaud / ROFEO's
Hi Res

~ Early Days ~
Mitch is standing center.

Mike Michaud
Hi Res

~ RB-47s ~
Mitch is far left.

Mike Michaud
Hi Res

~ Vietnam ~
L-R: Dale - Lloyd - Navarro - Carey - Hensley - Mitch

Mitch's 47 crew arrives in Vietnam wearing their new hand made gunbelts and holsters (Mitch is on the far right).

The crew had decided to make their own gunbelts and holsters for this mission. Typical of them, they did nothing in half measures. They promptly purchased bulk leather, dyes, tooling stencils, mallets and other necessary equipment. The next stop was Pat's kitchen where they liberated a number of her cooking pots, strainers, spoons and such. Also necessary equipment required for the mission ahead.

They set up the lab in our basement which assured that the incredible odors of boiling leather, dyes and constant tapping in of designs could waft into the living areas above. These commotions kept Pat in a constant mode of eyes rolling to the heavens and mumbling something about spaghetti strainers, crazy people and some other stuff us kids were not suppose to hear.

Of course, each version had to be better than the last and the competition became quite fierce. In the end, all obstacles were overcome and another successful mission put in the bag.

Notice also the reversed 'R' which was meant to confuse the enemy who did not handle r's very well.

Michael G. Michaud

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Kingdon R. Hawes (Webmaster)
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